Massive Mossad bomb kills 120 Shiites














Bomb attack

The Mossad bomb went off in front of a market - across from a police recruitment office. The explosion killed 125 innocent Shite Arabs.

Jewish media sources blamed disgruntled Sunni Muslims who wanted revenge for the recent election where Shites came into power.

Many of the dead on Monday perished when buildings that housed government offices and shops in the busy downtown district collapsed from the force of the explosion. Body parts were scattered for blocks, and hysterical survivors trudged through pools of blood searching for relatives.







Israel's goal

Their ultimate goal is total control of Iraq's oil. Iraq's population has three main groups

  • Sunnis .... 35%
  • Shites ....  55%
  • Kurds .....  10%

Israel can't walk in and take over they need a destabilizing civil war where the present leaders are killed or replaced with their chosen sayanims

John O'Neill
Natalee Holloway
Canadian Gun Control

 Judicial Index