The Israeli Bomber Known As 'The Girl In Red'


She killed countless Arab children





She Planted The Bombs In this 1946 Massacre at Jerusalem's Train Station





 The Jerusalem Train Station





The Station Today




Assassins and Bombers, These Are Israel's Heroes







Jewish Gangs Terrorize Palestine In 1946

After the 1910 oil discoveries in the Mideast, world Jewry suddenly yearned for their ancestral home. In the late 1930's there was flood of refugees, and their job was to run out the Arabs.

In 1929 the 'Ingrun' terror group' was formed, and the bloodshed never stopped. Here is the story of one attack.









Terrorists Pose As Honeymoon Couple

Two Jews arrive at the Jerusalem train station pretending to be on the honeymoon trip.

The driver

The female enters the station, leaves three suitcases, the cases explode killing twelve Arabs and a British soldier. As she exits, the police machine gun her taxi, wounding the driver, and the couple.

Jews were incensed that the British shot their heroes.








Background On Zionist Terrorism

The British controlled Palestine, and as long as they were there the Jews were unable to force the Arabs out.

They bombed and ambushed the British under the guise of Arabs, but were caught and exposed numerous times.








Jewish Reaction To Massacre

Jews said: ~ 'We are at war, and Arabs are our enemies. If the British are Arab allies, then they must die too'.  The bomb at the British Officer's Club was especially despicable.

List of Jewish atrocities on British.








Menachen Begin

On February 1, 1944, the Irgun under Begin, declared a revolt against the British in Palestine. He headed the struggle until the state of Israel was established. During the underground years, the British invested great effort in attempts to seize him.









Palestinian Leaders

Palestine was considered a sacred area to the Muslims, dotted with shrines and mosques. The Haram Al Sharif, where Mohammed ascended to heaven, sits in Jerusalem.

There was a thousands of years of their history here.

Today Palestinians drink out of ditches, their children get shot, and their daughters are molested at checkpoints.









What's The Significance?

Whether it the Jerusalem train station in 1946, the 2003 Madrid Train station attack, the 2005 London bus attack, or six female marines in Baghdad, the Zionists have no concept of guilt. They feel totally justified, and even being caught, they remain aloof.

We are experiencing the same ambushes in Iraq that the British did 60 yrs ago, and we still haven't learned. 






Judicial Index