The Annapolis Peace Conference






Mauhoud Addas The Leader Of Fatah






Abbas With The King Of Jordan








Rice Is The Unbiased Moderator








Jews Pray That God Stops The Conference









The Great Mideast Peace Conference At Annapolis

Pity the poor Arabs that have to subject themselves to this idiocy. Four days of brow beating by Israel's Olmert, and that token clown Condi Rice. They won't get back the Golan Heights, Jerusalem, or any stolen lands. Life will go on with the daily murder of their children, their houses bulldozed, and force to live in a country with a $280 per capita GDP.









November 27, 2007 at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is organizing and will host the conference. Both Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will attend the meeting, while U.S. President George W. Bush might attend parts of it.  A partial list of over 40 invitees was released on 20 November 2007, including China, Russia, the UN, the EU and the Arab League;






Saudis Pressured Into Attending

Saudi Arabia initally insisted that all 'core issues' should be discussed, the most important of which are borders and Israeli settlements, the status of Jerusalem, and the Palestinian right of return, as a condition for Saudi participation.







Syria Has Grave Doubts

Israel occupied, and settled, the Golan Heights. Two months ago the Israelis attacked a Syrian Base, the excuse they gave is the Syrians had a nuclear bomb facility.






Hosni Mubarak Of Egypt

Egypt has suffered numerous Israeli False Flags (Luxor, Taba, Sharm el-Sheik, etc), and they don't say a word. If they moan the will lose billions in annual US aid,  and if they retaliate then they will be massacred like Lebanon, with Bush's blessings.







The American Position

Bush won't force the Israelis to do a thing. His last involvement was giving Fatah $300 million dollars in military aid to squash Hamas.






The Arabs

Their issues are Jerusalem, refugees and right of return, borders, settlements, water and security.







Just More Zionist Propaganda

The Zionists will blame the Arabs for lack of cooperation, and the summit failure. Two weeks after the farce is over they will level Gaza.





Judicial Index