Why did Hitler leave the French Jews alone ?

France was a very safe place in WW2




Did smart Jews just move south to the unoccupied zone?







Life In The Free Zone






By Moving To Southern France The Belskis Avoided The Gassings







French Jews in WW2

In 1940 there were approximately 330,000 Jews living in France. During the German occupation of France there were approximately 75,000 Jews killed. (According to Jewish folk tales).





Unoccupied France

A sign at the border of Vichy France. Just by crossing over smart Jew could live. Once the signs went up, so did the rents and property prices.






Notice The Propaganda

A Jewish mother and daughter, but only one wears the dreaded yellow star. Notice the photo-shopped position of the Juden Star.







Where Is The Truth

There were 330,000 French Jews, and even by Zio-Propaganda they will only admit to 83,000 French Jews as being gassed. The real truth is the French Jews were untouched, and profited handsomely from the occupation. Source






A true look at France during WW2

 Judicial Index