Cyber-Terrorist May Get Bail









Who Is Fredrick Toben

He is a teacher from Australia.







What Is His Crime?

He publishes a website 'The Adelaide Institute', and he doubts the extent of the holocaust. He is seen here at his archeological dig at Auschwitz.







His Arrest

He was arrested at Heathrow while in transit from Australia to a conference in Dubai 5







Toben Is In Wandswort Prison

The international Jewish community wants Toben extradited to Germany where he faces a 5 year plus sentence.







Toben Granted Bail

Judge Wickham granted Toben bail pending an appeal by the German authorities. But he was not expected to be released, after she imposed a series of strict conditions including a £100,000 security.

Toben appeared pleased on hearing the judge's decision from the glass-fronted dock at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court. 1








International Bankers Steal Billions But Toben Goes To Jail

Toben is an academic, who just won't accept the Legend of the Holocaust. So what's the big deal? The holocaust is a boring subject, and at best, good for comedy. The Auschwitz fable contends that 4,000,000 Jews were killed in a two car garage with bug spray, and there can't be any digs for the bodies because it is hollowed ground. The Treblinka hoax contends that 1.7 million Jews were killed by diesel engines, and buried in a plot the size of a football field.

So far Toben has sat in a London prison for two weeks over this.





Toben background

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