Hebron Is A Town Of 170,000 Arabs And 500 Jews








The Home To The  Arab Al-Ibrahimi  Mosque








The Jewish Settlers Hunt Arabs In The Evening









The Local Kids Beat Up Arab Women








They Destroy Tombstones And Wreck Graveyards





A Community Mosque The Settlers Want To Destroy








Settlers spray inflammatory graffiti on mosque
HEBRON, West Bank — Jewish settlers occupied an Arab house and went on a  rampage of destruction at a local mosque, and destroying a cemetery. 
The mosque stands next to a building that has become a flashpoint for tensions between settlers and Palestinians. Settlers say they bought the building from a Palestinian, but the Palestinian denies the claim. 5







Many Settlers Are From Brooklyn

American Jews go over to Hebron on what they consider a crusade. They live in luxury apartments, indulge in drugs, and roam the countryside shooting Arab kids.








A Settler Teaches His Kid

The locals teach their kids how to hunt.








Settlers Rape And Torture

A gang of teenage Jewish boys took this girl into an abandoned house, where nine raped her, and then beat her for the pleasure.







Ten Year Olds Torch A House

Kids are as bad as the parents. Arabs need steel gates on all their windows and doors.







The 1994 Massacre

A Brooklyn Doctor, Jonathan Goldstein, took two AK-47s and snuck into the Al-Ibrahimi Mosque during evening prayers, and went on a shooting rampage. When everything was over there were 47 dead Arabs and a hundred wounded. Witnesses say two Israeli soldiers were also involved.







Settlers Rape Two british Girls

 Judicial Index