Trouble At Brandeis University








The School Is Named After Justice Brandeis








A Jewish Professor Called A Guatemalan Student A Wetback








Professor Izzie Hindley

The 75 year old Zionists appears to have riled some token Hispanics at Brandeis. They screeched  so loud that the university got stuck sending 'Izzie' to sensitivity training.






The Professor Called Hispanics A Bad Name

Professor Izzie referred to the Beaners as “wetbacks”. He said he was referring to the nastiness aimed at Mexican immigrants who entered the United States over the Rio Grande.











Brandeis Takes Action

The administration launched an investigation into his “discriminatory” remarks, never telling Hindley what those remarks were. In one statement provost Mary Kraus praised the “courage” of the anonymous students who suffered “significant emotional trauma” as a result of hearing the remarks.







A Fellow Zionist To The Rescue

Luckily he was able to get help from Harvey Silverglate at F.I.R.E., an organization that defends individual rights in higher education!






Maybe There Is More To It

A haughty old Zionist Professor staring at young Rosalia Santiago's legs all day. Did she become a teaching assistant?  Did he take a Viagra and get a little too frisky?






Izzie Hires A Criminal Attorney?

Professor Hindley hired lawyer Andy Good at his own expense.






What Would Justice Brandeis Say

Louis Brandeis (Nee Lok Nembitz), son of Prague immigrants, who left Europe one step in front of 'John Law', have to say?

My guess is Louie would say, "Who let the Beaners in?"








I Think There Is More To It

I can't picture a couple of 'Banana Heads' from Guatemala being sensitive to a comment about wetbacks. Jeopardizing their future over nothing? Then you got a Zionist controlled college admitting to an investigation on one of their own?

Fifty bucks says there is more to it.







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