Zionist Shrink Is Lead From His $12 million Dollar Mansion






Izzie Was A 70 Year-Old Swinger





Police Brutality And Anti Semitism






How Many Lives Have They Ruined

Whether it's some poor black, or a group of suburban white teens, these apes care less. How many teenagers overdosed at a party because this creature wrote scripts to anyone with $100?








He Would give You A Script For $100

Dr. Abe Dreyer would typically charge $100 for each prescription, issuing them without conducting a physical examination as required by law.





Police Needed To Be Restrained

Lt. Dennis Vrooman said Dreyer is a common street-level drug pusher.







Other Doctors Involved

The investigation could lead to the arrests of at least 50 more people who either allegedly bought prescriptions from Dreyer or possibly even other medical professionals who may have knowingly collaborated with Dreyer, Vrooman said. He declined to be more specific.






DEA Said He Sold To Teenagers

"A lot of these drugs went to teens according to the DEA. "This can lead to addictions and destroy people's lives."






Abraham Dreyer's Attorney

"What's this about? What's going on?" Dreyer asked. As one agent handcuffed Dreyer in the foyer separating the courtroom from a courthouse hallway, Dreyer's attorney Wayne Rozenberg was handed a warrant authorizing the arrest.

"You said this would never happen," Dreyer told Rozenberg.

When search warrants were served at Dreyer's office and Bear Creek home in July, authorities say they found documents showing that from 2005-07, Dreyer wrote prescriptions for more than 37,000 doses of Xanax, more than 68,000 tablets of a drug containing hydrocodone, and thousands of doses of other controlled substances.






Candis Cohen

Candis Cohen, spokeswoman for the Medical Board of California said cases involving physicians selling prescriptions for cash "are not all that unusual," adding that anywhere from six to 12 come to the board's attention each year.






Possible Sexual Favors

Rumors swirl that Doctor Feelgood would cut a script for class-three drugs like fentayal or labido enhancing drugs.










If Your Child Was Dead Because Of This Greedy Zionist?

Yes - I would forgive him
No - If the courts didn't execute him, than maybe vigilante justice isn't a bad idea.


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