Will She Be The Next President?







What Are Your Choices?

A 'Bucket of bolts', and a 'Wonder Boy' from nowhere









Good Thing Hillary Doesn't Have To Run Against Him








The Clintons Knew He Would Crush Hillary's Chances








Were The Clintons Involved?

It's pretty obvious that JFK Jr. was assassinated, and it was done by the Zionists, but did the Clintons assist?









Hillary Wants To Be President

On her own, she would be considered a joke.







She Couldn't Ask For Bigger Clowns

Stacking her against these two gives her a chance.






She Didn't Stand A Chance Against Him

If Kennedy were around, she wouldn't stand a chance. This poll says it all.   







Clinton And The Ron Brown Assassination

Ron Brown was going to prison and had threatened to bring Bill Clinton down with him. There was Whitewater, Mena, the Keating Five.  Brown was under investigation by the Justice Department; the FDIC; the Congressional Reform and Oversight Committee; the FBI; the Energy Department; the Senate Judiciary Committee.

His death was a little too convenient.








Vince Foster And Waco

Waco was about Zionists versus Militias. When the ATF approached the house, an agent of the Southern Poverty Law Center tipped the Branch Davidians off and there was an initial shootout. Hillary was alleged to be the Zionist orchestrator, and when Wesley Clarke ordered the burning of the children, things went out of control.

Vince Foster was going to go public and he was found dead  in a city park.






Ehud Barak And The Mossad

There was no way that Zionists would allow JFK, Jr to get elected. They feared he would retaliate after his father and uncle were assassinated.






Kennedy's Airplane

The Mossad realized they couldn't just shoot him, so an aircraft accident was arranged.






Clinton And The Coast Guard

The Clintons ordered only 30% of the east coast's Coast Guard to search for the plane.








Getting Rid Of The Evidence

Kennedy was cremated, and his ashes dumped into the ocean.









Where Does The Truth Lie?

When the noted author and Clinton watcher, Texe Marrs, says he suspects the Clintons were involved, it makes you wonder. When you see known arsonists at a mysterious fire scene, it's time to have a second look.





The JFK Jr. assassination

 John McCain and the USS Forrestal

The truth on Natalee Holloway

The Truth On Wal-Mart

Dov Zakheim

 Judicial Index