Blacks Being Run Out Of New Orleans








Bush Sat And Watched For Three Days







"We Can't Spare Any Water"









Blackwater Made Sure The Blacks left









"Get On That Bus And Don't Come Back"







Some Black Groups Are Getting Too Nosy

After the Zionists blew the levee to make way for their "Las Vegas of the South", they gave 350,000 Blacks a bus ticket, and said "Get Out". The Zionists had great plans for New Orleans, but it didn't include these 'Schwartzers' (Yiddish derogatory term for blacks).

Now there is a push by blacks to get real answers on the levee failure, so a friendly Judge says they can sue the Army Corps of Engineers.








Judge Rules

The Army Corps of Engineers can be held liable for flood damage caused by a "hurricane highway," a navigation channel that is believed to have funneled Hurricane Katrina's storm surge into the city, a federal judge ruled Friday.







The Corps of Engineers had argued that it was immune from liability because the channel is part of New Orleans' flood control system. The law says the federal government cannot be sued if something goes wrong with a flood control project such as a levee, reservoir, or dam.

Judge Stanwood Duval dismissed that argument, saying the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet, or MRGO, was clearly a ship channel and not a flood control project.







Here Is Some Chump Change

A group still questions whether the levee was blown, so a lawyer steps in to lead the radicals in circles.








The Levee Was Blown

A demolition team used a small charge and the levee collapsed, wiping out the poor blacks.








Las Vegas King-Pins

"Keep the Schwartzers out, this is our town now!"






The Employees Will Be East European

The same way Abe Rosenfeld of 7/11 fame brought in all the Pakistani counter clerks, the Las Vegas Zionists are bringing in Check, Polish, and Hungarian immigrants for labor.





The Romanov Massacre

The Black Dahlia

 Judicial Index