The Brighton Beach Organizatia















Vyacheslav Ivankov Allegedly Heads East Coast Russian Mafia








He Came To America Under The Lautenberg Amendment 

First enacted in 1989, the Lautenberg Amendment requires that the historical persecution of among other Soviet Jews, be considered when evaluating individual applications for refugee status. Since its enactment the Lautenberg Amendment has brought more than 500,000 persecuted Jews from the Former Soviet Union.

A Jewish legislator, New Jersey's Senator Frank Lautenberg, succeeded in 1989 in having Soviet Jews officially designated as a "persecuted minority" in the Soviet Union and therefore eligible for admission to the United States without regard to regular immigration quotas. It has been reapproved every year since then.






Their Gas Tax Scam

Their gasoline-tax rackets in New Jersey and New York, where a handful of Jewish gangsters from Russia were stealing an estimated $1.5 billion a year from these two states alone.








The Stolen Car Racket

And gasoline-tax fraud and automobile insurance fraud are by no means the only rackets that Soviet Jewish immigrants have moved into. In New York, Los Angeles, and other port cities their presence has substantially increased the likelihood that your car will be stolen, for example. They control gangs of thieves who steal expensive cars off the street, and then






Here Is Where The Money Is

The Organatzia buys a corvette for $500, sticks it in a container, and it's ship to other Jewish gangsters in the Middle East, where they can be sold for much higher prices than in the United States -- and where they will never be recovered by the police.







They Have Controlled The Ports For 80 Years

Think of all that they have smuggled over the years. There was cocaine, marijuana, liquor, guns, immigrants, etc.






The Black Dahlia

Judicial Index