Bush Sends General To Israel And Settlers Attack Him








Jewish Settlers Attack The American General







This Is In Hebron, A City In The West Bank








These Settlers Shout Anti-American Slogans







Peace In The Middle-East

The Annapolis meeting between Palestine and Israel is Bush's attempt at a Mid-East peace solution.








Condoleeza Rice Commits To A Peace Plan

After the Annapolis meeting, Rice aimed at giving a push to Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. She met with former US ambassadors Dan Kurtzer and Scott Lasensky, and they recommended monitoring of Hebron.








Three-Star General Sent To The West Bank

President Bush sent Lieutenant-General William Fraser III, assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to Israel. He is a three-star General, whose job is to monitor Palestinian and Israeli compliance to their own commitments.







A Convoy With The Three-Star General

One of the rightists is reported to have driven his jeep into the convoy accompanying General William Fraser. Subsequently, one of the vehicles in the convoy heavily collided with the jeep, according to Israel Radio. 4







Blood-Crazed Jewish Fanatics

A fracas ensued between the guards and the rightists before the Americans decided to cut the visit short, Israel Radio reported.








Settlers Rammed The Convoy

The settlers rammed the General's truck, and dragged the people out, and beat the Americans.







Bush Is Silent

It is amazing that a three-star General appointed by the US President is physically harassed and denied to do his job by citizens of a country that America has a special relationship with. Until this writing, neither the State Department nor the White House have even made a public statement about the incident. If Washington is silent about the fact that one of its Generals whose mission is to monitor the parties' commitments is being pushed around by Israelis, how can we ever expect this American military envoy or the US government to actually publicly point the finger at the side that is violating the agreement, especially if that side is the Israeli side?  5







Let's Not Forget The CIA Ambush

In 2003, Bush sent advisors to Israel and the Shin Bet planted a bomb, killing three CIA agents.







CIA Ambush In Gaza

 Judicial Index