They Laugh In Your Face







A Vietnam Draft-Dodger And His Hippie Girlfriend








Prime Accomplices For Zionist Conspiracies







The Clintons And The Dov Zakheim Connection

You need to look at the past to see what Mrs. Clinton (nee Hilda Rosenberg) will do in the future.








Dov Zakheim Was Always In The Shadows

In 1998, Zakheim signed a PNAC open letter to Clinton about the crisis in Kosovo. The letter called for U.S. support for regime change in Belgrade. And Clinton stood at attention.








Clinton Was ordered To Kill A Country

Bill Clinton was ordered by Zionists to eradicate the freedom fighters in Kosovo, and Milosevic knew his days were numbered.







Clinton Bows To The Zionists

World Zionism wanted the rebellion in Eastern Europe to stop, so Clinton led a campaign to bomb Belgrade back to the stone age.







The Zionist Controlled Terror-Machine

American-led NATO pounded Kosovo and Serbia so the Zionists could regain Eastern Europe.







General Wesley Clark/Kahn Bombs Kosovo

In 1997, President Clinton appoints him Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, and puts him in charge of the Kosovo campaign. In 1992, President Slobodan Milosevic united the Serbs and wanted to toss out the Stalinist Zionists. The Zionists, in turn, started a civil war between the Serbs and Albanians. Albright, Berger, Holbrook and Clinton sent in the US military to get rid of Milosevic.

Clark bombed the Serbs back to the stone age.







Zakheim Predicts The 9/11 Attack

Zakheim and The Project for a New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative organization, advocated the invasion of Iraq before and after the 9/11 attacks. The PNAC paper opines that in the absence of some "catastrophic" event akin to Pearl Harbor, such reforms would happen at a glacial pace. A year later, 9/11 seemed to provide such a spark to the kind of rapid transformation envisioned.

In a 2005 opinion piece, Zakheim wrote that Rumsfeld spent billions on such transformation programs, and he cites the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as examples of the need for a re-structured military that is more responsive, flexible, and inter-connected.







Zionism, Murder, Zakheim, And Hillary

One has to wonder just what deals Hillary will soon cut with comrade Zakheim. How many innocent children will be on the receiving end of B-2 bombers.







The Strafing Of Orphanages And Kindergartens

I can picture five year-old Iranian children running for a bomb shelter when Zakheim/Hillary give the order "Kill them all".








Blunt Force Trauma

Madeline Albright demanded the Clintons restore Yugoslavia to Zionist control, and they did.







The Clintons Were Up To Their Neck At Waco

The Zionists wanted to make sure that the Militias understood they would not be tolerated.








Zakheim And The USS Cole

Zakheim was often mentioned as being complicit in setting up this false-flag because of his DOD position, but was never formerly accused.













Here Is A Deadly Combo

I have to imagine the price of real estate in Tehran will tumble.









So Who Is Ths Zakheim Character?

He appears to be the Top Liaison between Israel and the American government. Naturally, the media sing his praises as an American Hero. But, it is reminiscent of the Bolshevik slaughter of 45 million Russians, where the Stalins, Lenins, Kagnoviches, and other Jewish revolutionaries were praised as heroes.







Understanding The Sayanim

The Romanov Massacre

The Black Dahlia

 Judicial Index