Employers At The Kosher Meat Packer Molested Females








Aaron Rubashkin Of Agriprocessors







Some Very Naughty Rabbis

After a federal raid, former workers at the plant have begun to tell their stories, revealing new details of conditions there.

In recent days, former employees have been painting a picture of a company indifferent to federal laws prohibiting slaughterhouses from employing workers younger than 18 and where workers frequently were pressured to exchange sexual favors for preferred treatment.






A Company Spokesman

"As with any legal matter, Agriprocessors cannot comment about any specific allegation," said Chaim Abrahams, a company representative. "The company is performing an independent investigation and will continue to cooperate with the government about this matter."







No ID's Necessary

"She said don't worry about" having the proper papers, Jose said. "You can come to work and we’ll pay in cash."

Another worker who refused to give her name said a supervisor had called her house Monday and said the company had a list of people it wanted to rehire. Her name was on the list even though she admitted to having purchased forged identification and a fake Social Security number.







Farm Kids Are Taken Advantage Of

Joel Rucal, a 13 year-old, said he went to work at Agriprocessors after finishing the eighth grade. He said he paid $150 for a fake ID and took a job paying $8.75 an hour to work in quality control. Sometimes he worked 12-hour shifts through the night checking the temperature of the meat.

According to Rucal, his 16-year-old girlfriend worked at the plant cleaning chickens, as did his sister, also 16. Rucal said that a supervisor told his sister that if she became his girlfriend, he would reward her with a promotion.

"She said no," Rucal recalled. "And when she said no, he give more jobs to her."


full article







This Is Your Future

These smucks came to a small Iowa town of 2,100 and just took it over. They own the stores, the banks, the city council, and the local police.





The Black Dahlia

Judicial Index