Two French Scientists Assassinated By The Mossad








They Were Working On A Bird Flu Vaccine









They Found A Connection Leading Back To Israel









Bird Flu Is Extremely Nasty

It destroys your lungs.









What Does Israel Have To Do With The Bird Flu?

The two French students, i.e. Intelligence Officers, had discovered that the alleged bird flu vaccine, H-7, which was designed to neutralize and stop the H5N1 avian flu virus, had been spliced using DNA to actually create a vaccine and a virus at the same time. The French students had also discovered that the bird flu vaccine, i.e. a virus, had links to Israeli laboratories.








Why Kill A Couple Of Scientists?

French Intelligence officers confirm that Laurent Bonomo, and Gabriel Ferezwere French,  bio-chemical students were brutally stabbed to death in a London flat, that was then set on fire.  Both French students, Bonomo and Ferez, were studying at the prestigious London Imperial College researching the origins of bird flu and the link to the alleged vaccines.







A Connection To Dr Zack Of Anthrax Fame

Even worse was a link to Dr. Philip M. Zackerie, a mossad agent responsible for the 9/11 anthrax attacks.  Israeli ZIONIST, microbiologist Zackerie, known as Dr. Zack, not only worked for the U.S. bio-weapons lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland, where he was photographed handling the stain of anthrax used in the post 9/11 attack, but was a consultant at the Boulder, Colorado FBI Division 5 linked company Gilead Sciences Inc. Gilead Sciences of Boulder, Colorado has been linked to the 9/11 anthrax strain and to the bird flu vaccine. 1







Is It 1917 Russia

When the Bolsheviks took over Russia in 1917 they killed by starvation, gulags, and mass executions. We know that in 2010 America the Zionists won't get away with these tactics, so epidemics of the bird flu might be their answer.











This Would Explain The Propaganda

There has been years of propaganda warning this Avian Flu is another black plague. The idea behind all cons is an execution or genocide must look like something else. The firebombing of remote Darfur villages is blamed on mysterious Arab horseman who come in the night. The simple fact is Darfur is about oil and these mysterious night raiders are actually Israeli mercenaries out of Chad, who drop phosphorous bombs on the villages.

I am sure when the economy implodes and the Zionists show up as saviors that large sections of middle America will resist. A outbreak of the Avian Flu is just another form of the Bolshevik man-made Ukrainian famine.







The Truth On Darfur

The Marxist Revolt In Zimbabwe

The Marxist Shining Path Of South America

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