Obama Wants To Give Twenty Million Illegal Aliens Amnesty







Who Is Organizing These Marches?







I Guess We Need To Create More Multi-Cultural Slums








The PEW Institute Reports

The analysis by the Pew Institute, a non-partisan research organization, found that the nation's estimated 11.9 million illegal immigrants made up 5.4 percent of the U.S. work force, primarily in lower-paying farming, construction, or janitorial work.







A Flood Of Babies

In 2003, 2.7 million children of illegal immigrants were born in this country.  So now, there are 20 million illegals, and most are fertile, so the real number in 2009 will be 4.5 million children of illegal aliens born in America. 3








So What Does It Mean?

There goes the grade schools, high schools, Medicare, and Social Security.









Who Is Behind All Of This?

This isn't accidental. This is the centuries-old plot out of the Zionist's playbook. The only way to safely conquer a society, is to dilute it.

Twelve tigers in a room is dangerous, but 3 tigers, 4 giraffes, 2 parrots, 3 zebras will just stare at each other, and fight each other.









The Lesson Of Pine River, Minnesota

A look at multiculturalism 

Judicial Index