The Entire World Watched As Eichmann Stood Trial







Holocaust Survivor And Distinguished Author K. Tzetnik








K. Tzetnik Is A Famous Holocaust Writer

His specialty was documenting the sexual abuses of Jewish prisoners by male and female Nazi guards. Many of his finer works are taught in Israeli high schools He testified against Adolph Eichmann.








Yehiel Dinur aka Yehiel Feiner aka K. Tzetnik  

JUDGE ...Yes. Is this what you wore there? 

YEHIEL ... This is the garb of the planet called Auschwitz, a place made of Jewish ashes. Auschwitz, stand in opposition to our planet earth, and influences it. I spent two years there.






Yehiel Is Just A Few Feet From The Monster Eichmann

For close on two years his eyes were there. I see them, they are staring at me, I see them, I saw them standing in the queue. I see those eyes everywhere.






The Pressure Is Too Much

Witness Dinur rises from his place, descends from the witness stand, and collapses on the platform. The courtroom audibly gasps, and the Judge is forced to adjourn the session.






Who Was Eichmann?

He was Reinhard Heydrich's recording secretary, who attended the Wannsee Conference. In March of 1944 Nazis occupied Hungary, then in June they sent Eichmann to kill all the Jews.

He must have worked fast because the Russians had surrounded Budapest four months later.







Who Was Yehiel?

A gifted author who recorded what went on at Auschwitz. His Pulitzer prize winning novel "The House of Dolls" which described the "Joy Division," a Nazi system that kept Jewish women as sex slaves at Auschwitz. The main character was his younger sister, who did not survive the Holocaust.





Nazis Raped Yehiel's 13 Year Old Brother

In his book Piepel, Yehiel talks about the Nazis' sexual abuse of young boys, he suggests the subject of this book was his younger brother, who also died in a concentration camp






Masterpieces Of Literature

Like the revolt at Treblinka, or Auschwitz, the Jews had their fill.

"Never again" shouted Naomi Kapinski as she pulled Rudolph Krager's SS dagger, and shoved it into his heart.






Nazi Females Were Also Depraved

It is well documented that Ilsa Koch, 'The Bitch of Buchenwald' seduced Jews and then gassed them. At Nuremberg they produced evidence she would skin Jews and make saddles and lampshades.





The Author's Stalag Series

Ruthless, and insatiable,  Nazi b*tches mix torture with sex.





What Happened To Eichmann?

He was consider psychopathic because he went behind Russian lines in Hungary (according to The Jews), and sent trainloads of innocents, 400,000 to Auschwitz. Trains from the country side barreled through Russian lines, Nazis firing guns as Russians wept, and prisoners looked through small barb wire windows in the box cars.







Eichmann Escapes To South America

The monster slipped through the American lines, where he took a schooner to Argentina. He had crates of bloody gold teeth to pay his way.





Hunted Like A Dog

The top Nazi hunter was Simon Wiesenthal, and he sent the Mossad to capture Eichmann.





Final Justice

The monster known as Adolf Eichmann was hung.







Ilsa The Nazi She Wolf

A One Minute Film Of Nazi Sex Atrocities

David Irving's articles

 Judicial Index