"Redacted" - A Movie About The Mahmudiya Rape







DePalma Made The Movie





Mark Cuban Financed It









Zionists At Work

The dumbest thing you could do is make a movies about rapes, massacres, executions going on in Iraq, by American soldiers. There are still 160,000 soldiers still there. This isn't the first, last year the Zionists produced 'Valley of the Wolves'.








What Happened?

On March 12, 2006, a Private Green, from the 101st Airborne, stalks out a 15 year-old Iraqi girl, then he talks four friends into murdering her and her family. 






They Execute The Entire Family

That's their brains spattered on the wall.







A New Jersey Crypto catholic says it's a story that must be told.





Mark Cuban (nee Choponski) Is The Producer

Cuban starts a small software reselling business, and unloads it to Yahoo for $5.9 billion (your 401ks). Now he buys a sports team, and becomes a Zio-Jetsetter. He buys Magnolia pictures, who produces 'Capturing the Friedmans', a picture that takes a heinous family of pedophiles, declares them innocent, and blames police corruption.






The Movie Endangers US Marines

The movie portrays five marines as idiots, two are smoking grass, one is a boozer, another is mentally unbalanced, and the final guy is just a teen that goes along. DePalma even mixes genuine footage, which makes everything even grimmer.





DePalma Shows Checkpoint Massacres

He takes footage from French documentary about the unit has made clear how the monotony and constant fear of maintaining checkpoints grinds down the men.  . The documentary reports that during 24 months, 2,000 Iraqis were killed at checkpoints with merely 60 proved to be insurgents. Even showing marines executing a family rushing to a hospital for a pregnant mother.





Checkpoint Massacre

DePalma's film shows scene after scene depicting Americans as dogs.














God Bless These Hollywood Moguls

Why don't these '135 IQ' Yale graduates produce a movie about the Bolsheviks murdering the Romanovs, or how about the Zionists who were behind the Armenian massacre. Maybe a mini series on how American Jewry ordered the bombing of Dresden because Hitler pulled them out of their comfy Warsaw ghetto, and made them work in armament factories.




The Actual Event

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