Bush Says We Must Expect More Losses

Acknowledging deepening frustration over Iraq, President Bush said Wednesday he is considering an increase in American forces and warned that next year will bring more painful U.S. losses.





Gates Leaves The Door Open On More Troops

New Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in Baghdad that a troop surge was an obvious option.



They Died For Israel

Bush said he will not 'Cut and Run'. Israel must be protected, and he will not see the first 3,000 die in vain.


Bush Didn't Count On Insurgents

The insurgents are resisting Bush's democracy. He says the Death Squads, and sectarian militants are out of control.


Bush Wants To Rebuild Iraq

We have destroyed their army and leveled towns like Fallujah, but Bush says his goal is to rebuild the country.


People You Can Trust

The Zionist leadership of the democrats say it's time for a partial withdrawal. Bring our troops home, just leave 70,000 US troops to protect the Zionists in Baghdad, and at the five Mosul/Haifa pipeline locations.









Incompetents and Fairy Tales

The Iraqi war is about Israeli Zionists taking control of the mideast oil  fields. Bush, and all those Zionist congressional clowns, should be impeached, post haste. Everyone is just waiting on a massive False Flag, where hundreds of US service men are killed. Look for something similar to the 1983 Israeli attack on the Beirut marine barracks, that's where Zionists killed 242 marines with a single bomb.

Israel wants Baghdad to be a US Garrison, K-2, Haditha, and the airbases H-1, H-2, H-3 will be US troops guarding the Mosul/Haifa pipeline. Notice how Hollywood, academia, and the media have deserted Bush and his Iraq folly.

The American people cannot put up with this any longer. You are in these foreign wars, with Israel orchestrating Death Squads, mercenaries, and the militias. Then you have this Zionist cancer controlling your immigration policies where 30 million illegals are here, they control the universities, rape the social programs, and on and on.







Is A Third Party The Answer?



Does America Need A Third Political Party?

No - Rahm Emanual, Pelosi, And Bush are good people
Yes - Both the Democrats and Republicans are under Zionist control, and need to be replaced


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Iran Sunburn

Natalee Holloway
Electronic Trigger
John O'Neill

 Judicial Index