Bush Airlifts Weapons To Resupply Israel





Now The World Will Really See America As The Villain

One Of Fifteen Children Killed When An Israeli Jet Hit Their Bus







A Beirut Suburb







Downtown Beirut









This Is Just The Start

Most of the bodies are still in the rubble









Is Everyone Gone Mad?

The New York Times reported that Israel demanded an expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon. The decision to ship the weapons quickly came after relatively little debate within the administration. When Bush was asked about having Washington perceived as aiding Israel, and the resulting anger from other Arab governments, he shrugged off the question.











Just How Crazy Is Bush?

Having the Washington Post publicly  announcing that the US is shipping weapons to these Israeli psychos.








What Is Being Shipped?

The stock ammunition, artillery rounds, and some replacement helicopters. One key item is phosphorus shells, and bombs.








They Plan To Annililate Beirut

Most of Israel's front line soldier are Ethiopians, Druze Arabs, and Russian immigrants. The IDF generals will give them APCs, Merkvas, and armored Humvees, and just turn them loose in Beirut.








Here Is What Will Happen In Beirut

Israel is not the elite Waffen SS, the majority of the IDF are street thugs and psychos. The ones that will lead the ground assault won't be Shem Gold, a junior at Tel Aviv University, but Israel's real garbage.


Phase One

They will send in tanks, with hostages in front and behind, and will shoot anything that moves.



Phase Two Will Be Terror

This will be snipers, the phosphorus teams, and the death dogs. Snipers picking off kids, dogs turned loose on wounded civilians, and the prosperous flame throwers, that Israel says don't exist.



Phase Three Will Be The Occupation

Israel will throw in their lowest garbage, and let them run wild. They will rob Beirut blind, get stoned, rape the girls,  and go out shooting kids, but the main task will be the death squads. Pro Israeli Marionettes and such, will want power, and the 'Death Squads' function is to kill off the opposition.












The Hatred Will Be Unreal

All the Muslims, or anyone for that matter,  is going to remember is that Bush, and America, supplied the weapons.





Natalee Holloway murder

Judicial Index