There Is More To The Haggard Affair

Ted Haggard





Haggard's New Life Church






Something Isn't Right Here

This whole story is just strange. A fifty year old man, married with five kids, suddenly discovers the world of amphetamines, and male hookers. If Haggard did have a tryst, what were the circumstances. Why did the other guy come forward?

If one digs deep enough, you are going to find blackmail, and a set-up.



Haggard's Background

Haggard born in 1956, marries Gayle Alcorn and they have five children: Christy (22), Marcus (20) who is also a pastor, Jonathan (17), Alex (14), and Elliot (11).

In Nov of 1984 he was an associate pastor in Baton Rougue, in 1996 he moves to Colorado, where he starts his own church. Initially, the church space was Haggard's own basement, growing to rented spaces in strip malls, and today his New Life Church is now a campus located in Colorado Springs.

Ted Haggard is the head of the 30-million strong National Association of Evangelicals.



His Downfall

Haggard had broke with Israel a couple of times. He pressed Ariel Sharon for a Two State solution on the occupied territories, and he openly disagreed on the brutal Palestine occupation. He refused to push the Solomon Temple nonsense.

He wouldn't buy into the 'End of Times' theory, about Israel and Armageddon.

When Israel attacked Lebanon, his congregation was so incensed, that he refused to endorse Israel.



Haggerty's World Prayer Center

The center offers a 12-week course on understanding Islam. It educates believers to understand and reach Muslim peoples with the gospel of Christ. Readings, field trips, interactions with people from the Muslim world, and visiting a local mosque are all parts of the course. 

So, if a thousand Christians see what a gentle and simplistic religion the Islam faith is, that will bode ill for Zionists. This had Jewish leaders going berserk.


Haggard Didn't Follow The Israeli Line

Robertson flew to Israel during the Israeli massacre of Lebanon, and use his 700 Club to back the Israelis.


Falwell Does handstands For Israel

Falwell preached incessantly on the right of Israel to bomb Lebanon


Pastor George Has Fund Raisers

This fruitcake has fund raisers for the Israeli settlers. His church has seven video screens talking about Israel being the Apple of God's eye.


James Dobson Is A Israeli 'Devotee'

Dobson is a Christian Evangelist, he combines psychiatry, and religion, on his daily radio program called Focus on the Family. This extremely intelligent man, he believes in the Holocaust, is devoted to Israel, and despises Muslims.


Haggard Infuriated The Jews

He is really one of the most decent people around. This is a period when the Presbyterians and Episcopalians stood up to Israel,. They pulled their pension investments with anyone dealing with these Zionists.

Israel was used to their 'Poodle Preachers', and there is no way Haggard was going to add to the Presbyterians, and Episcopalians revolt.









Haggard Was Set Up

The use of drugs is common in a blackmail scenario. Haggard was a super influential person with a 30 million strong congregation, and after his Lebanon refusal, the Zionist had their fill.

All you need to do is look at the media reaction to see who is behind it.






Electronic Trigger points to Israel
Natalee Holloway
John O'Neill

 Judicial Index