The Trial Of the JDL's Irv Rubin And Earl Krugel






Irving Rubin The Head Of The JDL






Earl Krugel Was Rubin's Assistant







The Mysterious Deaths Of Irv Rubin And Earl Krugel

In 2002, Federal authorities charged Rubin, 56, and Earl Krugel, 59, with conspiracy to blow up the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City, the offices of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) in the Mid-Wilshire area, and the offices of Republican Rep. Darrell Issa. They were headed to jail big time when suddenly both meet mysterious deaths.

One has to wonder if they are really dead, or sunning themselves if Tel Aviv?










Who Were Krugel And Rubin

They ran the  Jewish Defense League (JDL) is a terror organization whose goal is to protect Jewish people and property from anti Semitism. The FBI considers the organization to be a "right-wing terrorist group."

The founder was a Rabbi Kahane, who many considered a terrorist. Kahane was murdered, and is now a revered icon, who Jews claim  was killed in a "seditious conspiracy."








Irving Rubin

Rubin was the chairman of the militant Jewish Defense League from 1985 to 2002. Rubin was born in Canada.  He was a suspect in the murder/bombing of Alex Odeh, the local chairman of the pro-Palestinian American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) in 1985.








Rubin's Trial

Rubin and Krugel weren't getting away this time. The sentences would have been 55 years.








Both Rubin And Krugel In Prison

In November 2002, while awaiting trial, Rubin allegedly cut his own throat with a jail-issued safety razor and tumbled off an 20-foot balcony.

On November 4, 2005, Krugel was killed by an inmate after having been transferred to a Phoenix federal prison.









Did Both Really Die?

Was International Jewry going to desert some of their most high profile soldiers? The coincidental prison deaths sends a message that any avid Zionist would understand. That message is: - "We protect our own"





Electronic Trigger points to Israel
Natalee Holloway
Oklahoma City Bombing

 Judicial Index