Returning Israeli soldiers break down after horrible battle

Israelis Propaganda At It's Best





One Of The Battle Fields

200 sheep farmers





A Farmer's Village Of 600







The Market Town Of 30,000






Israelis Bringing Back Arab Bodies








The Ground Assault On Lebanon

Israel unleashed a massive air attack on three small villages, and then sent in armored columns. They shot everything that walked, brought in bulldozers and level half the town, and then kept some Arab's bodies.

Now they return with stories of murderous battles, hand to hand combat, and countless dead Israelis.









Israel Leveled These Villages

Before any troops went in they leveled these villages with artillery, and air bombardment.







Here Are The Villages

When the Israeli tanks came in, if anything moved they shot it.








Why Take The Arab Bodies

The Israelis said: - "It was an horrific battle, and we lost a lot of good men".

These Arabs will wind up in Israeli uniforms, and turn into those good men.








Israelis Shoot Missiles Into Ambulances

I find it pretty hard to believe this same group that did this, went into a Hezbollah hot spot, and fought hand to hand.








This Must Be A Different Army

The Israeli army I knew, just shot rock throwing kids.









What Really Happened?

The air force, and artillery, bombed these people back to the stone age, and the ground forces killed anyone that didn't run away. Twelve hours before they executed a UNIFIL team, and this becomes their distraction.






Oklahoma City Bombing
Natalee Holloway
Red Lake

 Judicial Index