Jewish Hero Forgotten For Forty One Years


Bruce Crandall receives the Medal Of Honor






Bush Cries During Ceremony










Crandall Says He Was The Chopper Pilot Portrayed In This Movie





Crandall In The Movie





The Battle At La Drang Valley









Thank God For The Jewish War Veteran's Act Of 2001

It appears that Jewish soldiers, who say they made up 5% of the armed forces, only received .3% of the medals. Thanks to the JWV Act, this blatant anti- Semitism will be corrected, and records of these heroes will be reviewed, resulting in 138 Medals of Honor being issued.






Maj Crandall

November 1965 Battle at Ia Drang Valley

U.S. forces were up against two regiments of North Vietnamese Army infantry, blood was flowing, and the regular helicopter units refused to fly. At this point two Jewish boys, Maj. Crandall and Maj. Freeman, threw the book out the window, and 'Saddled Up' in unarmed Hueys. 

Crandall, and longtime friend Maj. Ed Freeman, made flight after flight over three days to deliver water, ammunition and medical supplies. They are credited with saving more than 70 wounded soldiers by flying them out to safety.



They Saved An Entire Battalion

Witnesses said the actions taken by Crandall and Freeman on the first day of the battle, Nov. 14, kept the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, resupplied and reinforced, and gave wounded Soldiers a chance at life.

For his actions that day, Freeman was awarded the Medal of Honor in July 2001. Oddly he had to wait 36 years. I guess the company clerks lost his files too.

Capt Freeman



Retired Col. Ramon Nadal was an eyewitness and former company commander in the 1st Bn., 7th Cav. Regt. Of the pilots' bravery, he said: "Without their support, both by resupplying us with ammo and bringing the reinforcements, we might well have been over-run.


Why The 41 Year Delay?

The clerks at Crandall's unit didn't have time to fill out the paperwork at the time.



What About The Rest?

There were seventeen other helicopters with pilots, co-pilots, gunners, medivacs, etc. Website on battle.


Time Limit Voided

The Medals Of Honor have a time limit of two years from action to award, so the incident can be verified But Bush passed a law, section 551 of the Jewish War Veterans Act of 2001 that voids these rules. This bill says 138 Jewish Veterans are to receive the Medal of Honor because of past anti-Semitism.



Crandall's Medals

Distinguished Flying Cross

He claims he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, but  there is no record. or here

Distinguished Service Cross

Suddenly in 1999 he is upgraded to a Distinguished Service Cross


Arlington Cemetery Is Anti Semitic

Out of 300,000 graves, there are only 1968 Jewish graves, which is odd because JWV stats say they are 5.2% of all wars, which equals 15,600 graves?







Why Did They Get A Medal 41 Years Later?

The only process available is sec 552, which says 'Jewish veterans that received Silver Stars' can be reviewed and be issued the Medal of Honor.

Where is the harm?

Ask her.






Bush's MOH To Jewish Veterans To Date

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Tibor Rubin

 Judicial Index