Neo-Nazis Burned A Copy Of Anne Frank's Diary






Nazis Burned A Paperback Of Anne's Novel








What A National Treasure









Neo-Nazis charged for burning A Copy Of Anne Frank's diary

Berlin prosecutors on Friday charged seven suspected neo-Nazis with incitement and disturbing the peace of the dead for burning a copy of Anne Frank's diary during a celebration earlier this year.







Held A ceremony!!

The men, aged 23 to 28 from Pretzien and Ploetzky in the eastern state of Saxony Anhalt, are accused of holding a ceremony on June 24 during which they praised the Nazis and denied the Holocaust.

Denying the Holocaust carries a maximum sentence of five years in Germany. The trial is to open on February 26.







They Ridiculed The Story

Magdeburg prosecutors said,  "Using neo-Nazi and Nazi language, they ridiculed Anne Frank, and with her all victims of Nazi concentration camps,"









Different Versions

Anne says eight Jews hide in an attic for 2 years.

Another group says Otto supplied Pectin to the Wermacht, was caught in a swindle, and was sent to Auschwitz as a criminal. In 1952 he hired a NY playwright named Levin to turn a few pages about a fantasy of an  imaginary friend (Peter), and a hiding in an attic,  into a novel.

Interesting Website on the controversy








The Beasts At Trial

The testimony of five witnesses is being heard Wednesday, the second day of the trial, with the key witness being Pretzien's mayor, Friedrich Harwig. During his testimony Wednesday he confirmed that a person had thrown the book into the fire during the festival with the words "It's all lies anyway." 6









The Director Of The Anne Frank Trust

Thomas Heppner, director of the Anne Frank Center in Berlin, described Lars K.'s statement as "spine-chilling." He said he "almost felt sick" as he watched the trial. For many Jews, the burning of Frank's diary is like "experiencing the Shoah all over again," he said.








The Judge Passes Sentence

Magdeburg (Germany): A court in Magdeburg, Germany, convicted five men of sedition on Thursday for throwing a copy of Anne Frank's "Diary" into a bonfire last year at a community party organised by neo-Nazis.

The men were each handed a suspended sentence of nine months' imprisonment. The court in Magdeburg also convicted the men, aged 24 to 29, of insulting the memory of the dead.  9







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