Al Najaf, Iraq

Najaf is a small town of 200,000

Built around the Mosque ( center )





Najaf is a Holy City

Imam Ali Mosque


In the middle of the city there is the Shrine of the Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib [cousin of the Prophet] with its resplendent golden dome and minarets. Great quantities of priceless objects, gifts of potentates and sultans, are treasured in the mosque. Ali was the first imam of the Shiites, he died in 661 and is buried here.

Tomb of Ali


Al Yazdi Medresa school

Wadi es Salaam Cemetery

The   has sixty or seventy rooms, immensely deep cellars and brick-lined wells that plummet down some one hundred feet. Young divines read and pray here The cemetery is called al Wadi es Salaam,winding through the countless brick and cement tombs, some modest, some the size of small mosque-shrines







August 6, 2006



Mossad Plants Bomb Outside Of Sacred Shrine


41 people killed



At least 35 people were killed and more than 120 others were wounded, including Iranian pilgrims, the officials said. Shrine of Imam Ali on the anniversary of the death of Zaineb, the granddaughter of the Prophet Muhammad.

Movie clip on bombing







Natalee Holloway murder

Judicial Index