, 2006 via uruknet.org
It's The Saudis, Not The Zionists, Who Control The American Government


Is Greg Palast A Rebel Or A Poodle?

A self hyping investigative reporter pulls back the covers, and show the hidden hand in the mideast wars. Palast's keen Jewish eye gives laser insight into Iraq's self destruction. 


Iranian Rabid Dogs

Iran has enough natural gas, and oil deposits to run their country for a thousand years. Iranians are 'Evil Dogs' and what their goal is nuclear Jihad, and their target is Israel.



God's Chosen Have a Right To Nukes

After the holocaust, they have the right to have 400 plus nukes. They are good people, a 'Island of democracy' in a boiling sea of evil.


Our Troops Embedded With Iraqis

Thinking that the strategy of imbedding a few troops with Iraqis, while kissing up to Iran, is our way out, is stupid. The Saudis have no interest in our success.



Iraqis Are Born Killers

 Palast sees Iraqi fighters as: “Shia death squads,” “Shia cut-throats,” “Iraq’s scary army,” “murderous Shia militias,” “Sunni ‘insurgents,’” “Sunni berserkers,” and “Shia killers.”


Pulitzer Prize Reporter?

Palast touches on neocons as a small part of the genocidal plunder of Iraq calling them “neo-con nuts.” But, the term Zionists, or the 'J word' is not mentioned.



It Is A Religious War?

Palast asserts, “But the Shias only shifted into mass killing mode in response to the murder spree by Sunni ‘insurgents.’”



The People Behind The Mayhem

Palast points to “Saudis” as financing Sunni “mayhem.” 

Palast writes, “Yet we close our eyes to the Saudis acting as a piggy bank for the other side, the Sunni berserkers. 


Mearshimer And Walt On Israeli Lobby

Palast sees the Mearsheimer-Walt thesis on the strength of the “Israel” Lobby, as absurd.  According to Palast, the neoconservatives are at the beck and call of the Saudis!


Kim Peterson Does Not Understand

If the Saudis control Bush, then why do they allow weapons to go to Israel, when the Zionists are slaughtering the Palestinians?




Here Are The Devils Behind Iraq

Palast sees the “fratricidal fracas in Iraq” as “a remote control proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia to control Iraq’s place in OPEC, the oil cartel.”

It appears the US-UK invasion-occupation of Iraq has turned out to be a battle for control of Iraq’s oil not by the US but by Iran and Saudi Arabia?


Sources ...Kim Petersen










Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index