Judge Breaks Down And Cries







Howie Stern Breaks Down







Jakob Milstein Is The Guardian







Anna's Body Goes To The Bahamas








Stern Wins Big

The Judge appointed a Jakob Milstein as guardian of Baby Danilynn, and he decided the body of Anna Nicole goes to the Bahamas. So now you have both Anna, and her son, buried in the Bahamas, and no chance of murder charges brought on Stern.

On late Thursday Vergie Arthur south an appeal to block Stern, and Milstein, from taking the body.

What an absolute sham. Stern hooked into Anna only after the marriage to a billionaire, and he bided his time. Notice how the Zionist media just hazes over everything. Every kinsmen of Stern is gloating how their 'Master Race' skinned another one, and how the Goyim cattle sat in front of their TVs, and swallowed another one of their tales.





Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index