Dr Herbert and Evelin Axelrod - "Jewish Philanthropists"



The true life story of a young Jew's climb from Russian immigrant to world scholar, and doctor.








Doctor Axelrod With His Wife








The Toast Of New York


Axelrod donates $ 50 million in violins to an orchestra









Axelrod Claimed To Be A World Class Adventurer


Hunting crocs with King Leopold to studying with Einstein







Just Another Con Man

Like others of his ilk, he makes up a great portfolio of high adventure, and important friends. When all is said and done, he is just a two bit swindler from New Jersey.







Herbert Axelrod – Born 1927

Axelrod a Russian Zionist from Bayonne NJ goes on to a life of adventure. His childhood consisted of learning ‘ Cons and Swindles ‘ at the local Synagogue, violin lessons, and sneaking into his sister’s underwear drawer.

His father, who can’t speak English, somehow becomes a famous mathematics teacher In his 40’s the Zionist swindles his partner out of a fish book company, and sells it for $ 80 million, and is promptly sued for $ 30 million.







Axelrod Declares Himself A Doctor And Hires A Biographer

His biographer writes: -   "As an author, university professor, lecturer, publisher, editor, explorer, adventurer and scientist, Herbert R. Axelrod is the world’s best-known tropical fish experts in the world. At age six he speaks five languages, at age 10 he swims Lake Ontario. Next we have this ‘ Street hustler from Brooklyn ‘ in the Amazon catching crocs with King Leopold III , studying under Einstein , talking fish with the Japanese Emperor Hirohito, and advising Winston Churchill.








His Stories Start To Fall Apart

In the sixties he says he is sent to the Amazon to capture rare black leopards for Disney. Turns out the BS artist bought two cats from a Tennessee roadside zoo, and had them dyed black.

Another story has him finding a rare species of fish at a pond on the edge of a Trinidad airport runway. He bought those at a local pet shop.









Fast forward to 2004

Herbert Axelrod the self made hero, philanthropist, and society darling sells phony violins to the Boston Symphony for $ 18 mil and takes a $ 50 mil write-off .










One Step Ahead Of 'John Law'

Suddenly this philanthropist turns out to be just another two bit swindler. that’s on the lamb

Axelrod  takes off for Cuba and hasn’t been hear from till 2003, where he is captured in Germany, as he is in route to Israel.






Jail Time For Axelrod

Herbert Axelrod, 78, has been sentenced to 18 months in jail by US District Court Judge Garrett E. Brownfor, charged with aiding and abetting the filing of a false tax return . The Judge also ordered Axelrod to pay a $40,000 fine and to refile his 2003 federal tax return without claiming a deduction for the multimillion dollar sale of rare stringed instruments to the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, allegedly at inflated prices.

Axelrod sold his company for $70 million, and payment was made to Switzerland. He is also alleged to have cooked the books.












Did Axelrod Served Any Time?

Prison records show

HERBERT AXELROD 60158-050 80 White M 10-06-2005   RELEASED
  He was sentenced in April and released in October 2005. A June, 2007, update shows Axelrod in Switzerland.







How Many Lives Did He Wreck?

It was said he slithered his way into a book company, and pushed the founder out. Anyone that dealt with him walked away a lot sorrier. Then you have the sale of his company, where a lot of retirees with 401-k's were never the same. A $18 million swindle to the Boston Orchestra, and finally skipping out on millions in taxes.

Amazing he only gets 18 months in a country club prison.







Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index