Blood Diamonds, Al-Qaeda, and Israel

Blood-crazed Muslims start a revolution in Sierre Leone to challenge DeBeers?!?







A Toilet Called Sierra Leone








A Country Of 5,400,000









In 1992, Foday Sankoh Started The Civil War

He was funded by Communists/Israelis/Bolsheviks.









Locals Wanted To Kill The Rich Zionists That Lived In Freetown's Exclusive Community

A fortified island where the servants were European.










Freetown Was Founded in 1648 By European Slave Traders

After The Slave Trade Ended, The Zionist Stole Sierra Leone's Diamonds, Gold, Bauxite, etc.






Lev Leviev, The World's Diamond Oligarch

Leniev, and DeBeers, were the biggest beneficiaries of the war.







Blood Diamonds

According to Hollywood's Zionist scholars, Foday Sankoh started the 1992 Sierra Leone civil war.  The 'Blood crazed Muslims' wanted to kill the Zionist infidels, get their hands on the country's diamond and gold mine, and fund Jihad!!

A closer look shows African peasants had their fill of living in tin shacks, dying in the gold and diamond mines, as wealthy Zionists played royalty in their Freetown mansions, and a movement was started. Suddenly a leader appears, Foday Sankoh, with his chant: - 'Kill the Jewish Oppressors', but then he decides to kills the Black Oppressees. As history is written, the historians forget to mention who funded Sankoh, what were his goals, and why he killed 50,000 peasants.




The History Of African Trade Development

Jewish traders arrived in 1652, and established the slave trade in Freetown. In 1806, the colony  became part of the British Empire. Diamonds were discovered at Kimberly in South Africa in 1867, and Jewish entrepreneurs and businessman flocked from all over the world there, and to points across Africa. 







The DeBeers Empire

In 1870 Barney Barnato and Samuel Marks found De Beers Consolidated Mines for mining diamond fields. In 1897, Barnato mysteriously died while sailing to England.  

Marks becomes the 'Lord of Africa',  amassing a huge fortune, as his ventures include diamond trading, gold mining, real estate, political control. Next, Marks became an industrialist and developed Transvaal; he planted fruit farms and forests, manufactured bricks, glass, steel and leather goods, exploited Transvaal’s coal and established the South African Breweries







Oppenheimer Takes Control

In the 20th century the Oppenheimer family became the major shareholders. The dynasty starts with Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, his son Harry Oppenheimer, and continues today with grandson Nicky Oppenheimer, chairmen of the DeBeers.







Sierra Leon's History

It was an ideal kicking off point for the 1650 slave trade, it was the main trade route to New York, and New Orleans.







Diamonds Were Discovered

When diamonds were found 1930, it was revitalized. It's mines hold the most flawless gems in the world.







Sierra Leone Civil War

The Zionist diamond cartel installed this butcher, Foday Sankoh. They funded the rebel movement.







Mercenaries Killed The Troublemakers

They killed any troublemakers at the mines, and went through the countryside killing the village leaders that spoke out.








Just Like Iraq

Iraq's death squads are Israeli-controlled, and that war is about oil. The Sierra Leon civil war was about diamonds.








An Israeli Supplied Sankoh With Weapons

An Israeli, Simon Yelnik, headquartered out of Panama, supplied all the weapons for the Sierra Leon war. In 2001, he shipped  20 SA-8 missiles and 200 rockets for BM-21 multiple rocket launchers to black Muslims in Africa.

One has to wonder when an American airliner is shot down, will the FBI pursue Simon?







The Mysterious Israeli

Lev Leviev, the world's second most powerful diamond magnate, has a cache of $12 billion of diamonds somewhere in Russian. His ties go into revolutions, assassinations, etc.. He lives in Israel, and is moving operations into America.







The Blood Of The Romanovs

His prize possession is a necklace worn by Russia Tsarina Empress Alexandra. The Romanovs were butchered by Bolsheviks in the basement of the Ipatiev House. The Duchess Olga had sewn the necklace into her dress, and it was chipped from the bullets, and covered in royal blood.

He is said to display it in in a glass case, blood and all, as he considers it history.







Bin Laden's $20 Million African 'Blood Diamond' deals

According to Zionist historians, in 1998 Bin Laden aligned his organization with the Black Muslim RUF, and they supplied 'Blood Diamonds' for the 9/11 attack.








Muslim Diamond Mules

Muslim women were said to have hidden diamonds in 'Secret zone' acted as diamond mules, and would smuggle from Sierra Leone to Lebanon.

Aziz Nassour, a Lebanese diamond merchant, would ship the diamonds to Antwerp.








Muslims Fooled Antwerp

The Muslim evaded De Beers intelligence network, and tricked Jewish Antwerp diamond cutters into cutting and shaping the stones. Next, Muslims infiltrated the New York diamond district posing as Hassidic Jews, where the diamonds were sold.








How Do We Know This?

The  Zionist newspaper reveals that a highly-trained female Mossad agent (Muslim Counter-INTEL) parachuted into Sierra Leone and infiltrated an al-Qaeda cell. The Mossad said they warned the CIA of the Trade Center attack.











Bin Laden, Blood Diamonds And 9/11

Every time you think you have heard the biggest yarn in town, you can count on Hollywood to come up with even more nonsense.

With so many good subjects like the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, the Romanov's story, the USS Liberty, Leo Frank, Zionist slave trade, you have to wonder why make films about insane drivel.





Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index