Blackwater Helicopter Brought Down Over Baghdad



Five dead





They Provide Convoy Escort Similar to This







This Is A Standard Israeli Tactic

Right before a major offensive, (the17,000 troops going into Baghdad),  they will provoke both sides. In a span of three days they placed a bomb on a US helicopter, bombed a meeting of US officials, kidnapped three soldiers and slitting their throats, for a total of US at 27 dead. There were two massive bombs, one at Baghdad University, the other at a Baghdad market, killing 175. Today they sabotaged a Blackwater helicopter, killing five, in an identical operation  to this.

The purpose is to turn Baghdad into a shooting gallery with a bunch of angry mercenaries, and US troops. This is a carbon copy of the Fallujah attack.





Blackwater Revenge

Blackwater Merc Executed video

Scott Halveson Execution

Blackwater Ambush

Massacre At Najaf

Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index