Canadians Question Their PM's Support Of Israel


Stephan Harper






The Destruction Of Beirut Opened People's Eyes







The Massacre At The Small Coastal Village Of Tyre






Israelis Bombing Of Convoys And Orphanages Sicken Canadians







Execution Of Canadian Major Really Lit The Fire








Winds Of Discontent

Zionists have controlled Canadian politics for the last hundred years, but lately there is a sea change. The Izzy Aspers, and Bronfmans made or broke the politicians, but as Israel becomes more aggressive and lawless, the people are speaking up.








Canadians Take A Stand

A recent poll shows Stephen Harper's decision to support Israel is against the majority of Canadians. At the least they want to remain neutral.


Sick Of Bush

Canadians believe that the Conservative government is taking its cues from U.S. President George W. Bush.


32% Back Harper

According to the poll, 45 per cent of voters disagree with Mr. Harper's support of Israel's actions, while 32 per cent support it, and 23 per cent don't know or neither agree nor disagree.

In Quebec, 61 per cent are against the Harper position.


Quebec's Opposition Party

 Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe has made an issue out of Harper being a Bush and Israel sycophant.


The Internet Is A Key Factor

Canadians, because of weather, remoteness, and lack of print publications, are extremely conscious of the internet news.


What Does It Mean?

Basically these pompous clowns can't get away with blindly obeying Canadians Jewish interests. Someday, someone sharp will come along, and use the internet as their campaign vehicle, and then you will see a revolution.

If you timed a campaign around an issue like Lebanon, the Major Hess-von Kruedener episode, and did it during an economic slowdown, there would be real fireworks.






Electronic Trigger points to Israel
Natalee Holloway
John O'Neill

 Judicial Index