"The Country Needs Me"

I understand terrorists, and I am a War President.





He Warns Iowa Voters Of Coming Attack






Giuliani For President

Rudolph W. Giuliani introduced himself to primary voters this week, and his theme was "I should be President because I have been forged by fire." Mr. Giuliani promoted his vision of a forceful foreign policy that calls for the United States to continue slugging it out in Iraq, and onto Iran.


Tells Iowa Voters That Terrorists Coming To Kill Them

“Washington's verbal rants does not effect terrorists,  they are planning to come here and kill us,” he said in Iowa.

An animated Giuliani said,  “It is something I understand better than anyone else running for president.”


Korea Can Be Controlled

Asked about his policy toward the North Koreans, he said he backed the administration’s approach, mentioning in particular a Chinese role in efforts to pressure them. “I think the current administration's strategy of dealing through China has produced enough results so far, and you have to stick with it,” he said.


Iran Is The Problem

As for Iran, Mr. Giuliani said that “in the long term,” it might be “more dangerous than Iraq.”

He lumped Iran with Al Qaeda. “They are more aggressive, their tendencies are to come here and kill us.”


They Hate Us Because We Are Good

When reporters stated 'Iran was not involved in 9/11, and Al Qaeda is Sunnis' (Iran is mainly Shiites), Giuliani responded, “They have a similar objective, and have an intense anger at the modern world.”








Now Here Is A Loose Cannon

Rudy has some mice in his attic. Anyone that believes "They hate us because we are good" nonsense had better have his IQ checked. As far as his 'Trial by Fire', where are the airport videos, and where is an analysis, by the major demolition companies, as to why the buildings fell.

I like Giuliani's reference to a coming attack, because the most logical attack will be a small Midwest town.





Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index