The Dread Camp Called Majdanek







125,000 Jews Were Killed Here









That Smoke Is Dead Jews Going To Heaven







Brighton Beach Jews Take Epic Journey

An archeological dig found a gold ring, along with a man's fob watch clip, just below the surface at a place where Jews were assembled between the Polish city of Lublin and the former Majdanek concentration camp.

Another 10 women's decorative rings were found buried individually nearby.








"Ring of the Unknown Holocaust Victim".

Once it was on the finger of a Jewish man who was married, according to the faint inscription inside, to a woman named Ada on November 30, 1938.









The Killing Ground

Under the Nazi regime, Majdanek was the execution ground for 125,000 Jews.










Majdanek Ovens Pour Jews Out As Smoke

Within sight of the camp, with its chimneys belching smoke from burned bodies, some Jews realized they were facing almost certain death and buried their valuables, despite Nazi guards' demands for Jews to hand them over.









Elsa Finestein

Elsa buried a box of diamonds at Majdanek. She lost her two sisters, her brother and her parents to the Nazi killing machine.









Disney's Eisner A Holocaust Survivor

Jack Eisner, a relative of Disney boss Michael Eisner, was a 'Goldjuden' (Collected Jew's gold) at Majdanek. Eisner said that many Jews buried rings.









Eisner Wrote A Book

A heart wrenching book tells the story how Eisner pulled a commando raid to rescue his mother from the Nazi hospital! How Jack survived three separate camps. Truly the stuff of legend.








Film Maker Fascinated

Svoray questioned  survivors Adam Frydman, Esther Werblud, Erna Rosenthal and Mrs Jacob, about the burial place. Next, he and Danny Jedwab, went to Poland, set up the cameras, and started digging.   Once the treasure was spotted they waited for darkness for fear of local robbers. That night four rings were found.









Bush Will Present Precious Cargo

Four of the women's rings will be flown to the Washington Holocaust Museum for a holy  ceremony.  The President and his wife will attend.







Did 125,000 Jews go up in smoke

Yes - The jet stream winds took the ashes out to sea
No - Red Cross records show 7,000 died of typhus, of which 2,000 were Jews free polls





Natalee Holloway
Electronic Trigger

 Judicial Index