Eight US Servicemen Killed in One Day






Peter Pace - Commander Of Joint Chiefs Of Staff

An Articulate Shabbot Goy







Dying For Israel And Their Control Of The Mideast's Oil








How Wonderful To Die For Israel





Let These 'Neocon Hatchlings' From Harvard Serve Six Months In Baghdad





They Could Get A Medal Of Honor Like This Jewish Hero

Tibor Rubin 'says' he held off 5,000 Chinese for 26 hours









Ship The Neocon's Hatchlings To Iraq

October 2006. A total of six US marines and two sailors were killed in one day in western Iraq, the US military said today, bringing the American death toll for the month to its highest level in a year.

Iraq is an Israeli/Zionist/Jewish war, so take the Mama's Little Bubbeleh out of their free scholarships at Harvard, and do a mitzvah in Baghdad.

Since Bush passed the 'Jewish War Veterans Act', which entitles them to 168 Medals of Honor, here is their chance to show their mettle. They can join the ranks of the Tibor Rubins, imaginary war hero supreme.






Electronic Trigger
Oklahoma City Bombing
John O'Neill
Natalee Holloway
The Shining Path

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