Eleven US Soldiers Killed In One Day








Seventy Five Iraqis Dead






The Iraqis Are Executed And Found Laying In The Streets






 Eleven Americans On 12/6/2006

Eleven U.S. troops were killed on the same day the blue-ribbon Iraq Study Group recommended shifting U.S. forces from a combat role to primarily a training mission.  A total of at least 75 people were killed or found dead across Iraq on Wednesday, including 48 whose bullet-riddled bodies were found in different parts of the capital.


Why Are We Withdrawing

The Zionists have got what they wanted, a decimated Iraq, with all the leadership killed or gone. They have slowly been infesting the government with their dual citizen Israeli/Iraqis, and it's time for the US to move on.


Look For A Massive Attack

There is no way these Zionists will pass up an opportunity for a deadly False Flag on our troops. They did it with the USS Liberty, the Khobar towers, the 1983 marine barracks in Beirut, etc.


There Won't Be A Total  Withdrawal

Bush built a massive complex in the Green Zone, and Israelis will operate out of that area. US troops will be stationed there to protect a fortified green zone. The Mosul-Hafai pipeline will have US troops stationed at bases H-1, H-2, H-3.






Oklahoma City Bombing
John O'Neill
Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index