Enric Marco, Another Holocaust Charlatan

Enric's book on how he survived the Mauthausen death camp









An University honors this liar











Enric Marco

Head of a Spanish association of Nazi concentration camp victims who published a book entitled "Memories of Hell" in 1978 about his experiences, confessed he had invented his account of suffering in Germany's Flossenburg concentration camp

The 84-year-old flew back at the last minute from the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Mauthausen camp in Austria after a Spanish historian said Marco's name did not figure in Flossenburg's archives.







Head man a fraud

Marco ran the 'Spanish Jews of holocaust association'. He helped himself to the association's funds. Wherever there was a trip to be had, Marco was on it.








He Was Never In A Camp

Yesterday, however, Mr Marco admitted that he had made up the story. He was not prisoner number 6,448 in the the Mauthausen and Flossenburg camps. He had not even left Spain at the start of the war to join the French resistance.








The Fraud Was A Collaborator

Instead of being released from imprisonment by the allies in 1945, he returned to Spain in 1943 after spending two years in Germany, working in Hitler's armaments factories. 6






Amical de Mauthausen

Just how many old Jews donated money to keep this fraud going. How many feeble Jews would recount imaginary stories of gas chambers and ovens.








Ernst Zundel

Zundel refused to believe 4,000,000 Jews at Auschwitz were killed with bug spray in a small room. He wanted an archeological expedition to search for bodies and has been in jail ever since.









Zyklon-B Saved Jews

Jews, because of their sanitary habits, have been lice ridden since medieval times. Just how many typhus carriers were saved because their clothes were disinfected ?






Riga Massacre
Who really started WW 2
Bloodlines of WW 2 leaders
Irma Grese
Budapest Gold Train