Israelis In Desperate Battle In Ramallah







Jeeps, Bulldozers, Two Cobra Helicopter Gunships





IDF Jews Killed Four And Wounded Twenty Five

Cobra Helicopters fired on this market because teenagers threw a few rocks







The Battle Of Manara Market Will Go Down In History






Where Are The Dreaded Palestinian Rocketeers?






Thank G_d No Jews Were Killed Or Injured

More than a dozen jeeps and several bulldozers, backed up by two helicopters, rolled into Ramallah's central Manara Square just before 1400 GMT.  In an hour-long operation, Jewish bulldozers crushed cars and wrecked stores. Angry teenagers threw rocks at the jeeps and bulldozers.  The Israelis called in Cobra Gun ships and sprayed the crowd, killing four and maiming twenty five teenagers.

The Truth

These Israeli animals took tanks and rampaged  through an Arab market place, and when Arab kids threw stones, they killed them. The only 'Rocketeers' are Jews in ski masks, filmed in Israel.







Natalee Holloway
Electronic Trigger

 Judicial Index