Is Robert Fisk A Sage Or A 'Zio-Poodle'








Fisk Has Ears In The Tents Of The Mideast

In today's fairy tale of Fisk's we learn that Israel is just a proxy, an innocent party to a ruthless America. We also learn that Iran, and Syria, are using Lebanon as their proxy against Israel. Oh poor Israel, used by everyone.

The truth is simple, Zionists control American, and they want the world's oils supplies, so they fabricate wars and events. In turn, America destroys Iraq, Iran, at the cost of thousands of American lives.







Lebanon will be first victim of Iran crisis

Robert Fisk – The Independent February 21, 2007


Fisk Says

How easily the sparks from the American-Israeli fire fall across the Middle East. Every threat, every intransigence uttered in Washington and Tehran now burns a little bit more of Lebanon. It is not by chance that the UN forces in the south of the country now face growing suspicion among the Shia Muslims who live there.


Hizbollah Arsenal Grows

It is no coincidence that Israel thunders that the Hizbollah are now more powerful than they were before last year's July war. It is not an accident that Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah's leader, says he has brought more missiles into Lebanon.



Devils Plot War Against Israel

Why, the Lebanese ask, did President Bashar al-Assad of Syria visit President Ahmadinejad of Iran last weekend? To further seal their "brotherly" relations? Or to plan a new war with Israel in Lebanon?


Iranian Missiles Threaten Fifth Fleet

Iran's military maneuvers consist of long range missiles that could hit US ships. Be certain that the Lebanese will be the first to suffer.


Hezbollah Grows Stronger

Hezzbolah and Israel are in a certain crisis, and the 20,000 UN troops sitting in southern Lebanon are in the crossfire.  


Iran Itching For Hezbollah To Hit Israel

If Israel is America's proxy (which the Lebanese don't doubt), then Hizbollah is Iran's proxy. The more the United States and Israel warn Iran of its supposed nuclear ambitions, the more Hizbollah increases the pressure on Lebanon.


Villages in Southern Lebanon Are Angry

The story goes that Maroun al-Ras has rejected medical convoys from French UN workers. 



Jewish General Reports

Brigadier Yossi Baidatz, Israel's head of military intelligence says that Hizbollah "is building up more firepower than it had before the war... some is still en route from Syria", and UN troops in southern Lebanon are in danger.


Fisk's complete article







You Need To Be Brain Dead To Believe This Swill

Israel is no persecuted angel, they are ruthless killers. they live by the False Flag and imaginary enemies. The 2006 Lebanon  war was a Hollywood script, tales of great battles, hand to hand combat, and long range missile are laughable fairy tales.


What Battles?

Israel leveled a bunch of farmer's villages, with artillery and F-16s, then they dump 1.2 million cluster mines.


Hezbollah Rockets?

90% of the dead were Israeli Arabs. The Haifa rockets/Israeli mortar teams, hit Arab neighborhoods.


Hand To Hand Combat?

They brought back dead Arabs and put them in Israeli uniforms.


Today's Soup Du Jour, aka Zio-Bullsh*t

Iran and Syria are shipping missiles to Hezbollah to hit Israel. Hezbollah is an Israeli creation, that is funded by the CIA. If Nasrallah was a real enemy, Israel would assassinate him in a heartbeat, just like they did Anna Lindh.

If Fisk were real, he would have been joining the list of hundreds of media correspondents who became war causalities.






 Judicial Index