Is Fisk CIA, Mossad, MI-5, Or Simply A Zionist Poodle









Fisk Has Ears In The Tents Of The Mideast

In today's fairy tale we learn that the CIA was behind the Iraq-Iran war, that the CIA had Saddam kill the Communist/Russian/Jewish party. It was America that wanted Kuwait invaded.

The truth is simple, whoever controls the world's oil supplies will rule the universe. The Zionists instigated all the Muslim civil wars, the Iran and Iraq war, Iran and Kuwait, the Kurds, the 2006 Iraq civil war, etc. They always have their enemies kill each other. Every mideast war had the invisible hand of Israel involved.







Robert Fisk – The Independent December 31, 2006

Fisk's Latest Article - Our complicity dies with him

Who Is Fisk

A reporter that lives in Beirut and has the inside track to Israel, Syria, Jordan, Saudi, Iran, etc. He claims insights, and speaks with brashness, sparing no one.

In reality he a Zionist poodle, who call Israel awful names, while blaming Syria for the 2005 assassination of Hariri, the 2006 assassination of Gemayl. Believes in the holocaust, thinks Arabs did 9/11, goes along with the Hezbollah/Lebanon fairy tale, says nothing on Anna Lindh, or Jorge Mollemman.


Fisk Says Hussein Killed Because He Knew Too Much

"The moment Saddam's hooded executioner pulled the lever of the trapdoor in Baghdad yesterday morning, Washington's secrets were safe. The shameless, outrageous, covert military support which the United States - and Britain - gave to Saddam for more than a decade remains the one terrible story which our presidents and prime ministers do not want the world to remember."


Fisk Says - CIA Helped Saddam Destroy The Iraq Communist Party

So who did Saddam kill? This bagel munching 75 yr-old Stella Cohen, a Russian Jewess, who sat in her soiled 'Depends' 99% of the time. Three times a years she had Abdul's Kinko print up some flyers, and placards,


Stella Cohen's Feared Communist Party

Fisk says: -  'Saddam's mukhabarat visited every home, arrested the occupants and their families, and butchered the lot. Public hanging was for plotters; the communists, their wives and children, were given special treatment.'

Tortured 6 yr-olds?


The CIA Concocted Iran-Iraq War

Fisk contends the CIA backed Saddam. "The Pentagon was instructed to assist Iraq's military machine by providing intelligence on the Iranian order of battle."

The truth is the Zionists orchestrated the war to let it's enemies, Iran and Iraq, kill each other. Their eventual goal was always the mideast's oil fields.


Fisk Tells Of A 'German Arms Dealer'

"One frosty day in 1987, not far from Cologne, I met the German arms dealer who initiated those first direct contacts between Washington and Baghdad - at America's request."

Finding a German Arms dealer is like finding an Irish Ecstasy kingpin, or a a Swedish porn dealer in Tel Aviv.



Fisk Works With The Pentagon 

In September of 1980, I was invited to go to the Pentagon," he said. "There I was handed the very latest US satellite photographs of the Iranian front lines. And I traveled with these maps from Washington by air to Frankfurt and from Frankfurt on Iraqi Airways straight to Baghdad. The Iraqis were very, very grateful!"


US Gave Saddam The Poison Gas

Fisk goes into an Iraqi battle field and see 700 dead Iranians, and thousands coughing up blood from mustard gas. "US companies had sent government-approved shipments of biological agents to Iraq."

The trouble is the Iranian and the Iraqis both have gas, and one doesn't use it because he knows the other one will retaliate with gas too.


Saddam Gassed Shiite Kids

Killed civilians with gas. These same gases were later used on the Kurds of Halabja. No wonder that Saddam was primarily tried in Baghdad for the slaughter of Shia villagers, not for his war crimes against Iran.


The Horror Of Kuwait

Kuwait was cross drilling Iraq's oil wells, and Bush Sr gave Saddam the ok to invade. Saddam attacks, Bush is outraged, and the US and it's allies, completely annihilate Iraq's army.

Naturally Bush reimburses Israel a few billion for staying out of the war, and suffering the SCUD attacks.








You Need To Be Brain Dead To Believe Fisk's Drivel

CIA, German Weapons Dealers, gassing children, etc. In the next breath we hear how Syria is behind all the mideast assassinations, like Hariri and Gemayal. You have a school yard next to a nest of Black Mambas, half the kids are dead, but Fisk says 'It was the flu'.

The truth is the Zionists will control the world's gold, and oil, False Flag a nuke on a US city, blame Iran, and collapse the world economy. In a few years they will present a one world currency, based on commodities of gold and oil, and a Federation of world communities form of government.

Our new world prime minister will be a John Kerry (nee Jonah Kohn), and the United Federation governors will be cryptos marranos.







Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index