Iraq Gets New Generals

General David  Petraeus and Gen. Odierno







Lt. Gen. Odierno

A wonder boy from New Jersey has big plans for Iraq. He says "If Americans see progress, they will have patience."

His plans are to use 16,000 additional troops in Baghdad. He now plans to confront Al-Sadr's Medhi Militia in the slums of Baghdad. After that he plans to pull back to the Green Zone



Who Is Petraeus?

General Petraeus is a soldier of vision and determination," Bush said in a statement. "His service in Iraq has equipped him with expertise in irregular warfare and stability operations and an understanding of the enemy we face."


Here Comes A Bloodbath

The General says he is going into the Baghdad slums of Al-Sadr City. The area is controlled by this guy, and he is controlled by Israel.

You can expect some heavy US casualties. Israel will make extensive use of car bombs on US patrols, culminating in a massive attack like the one that killed 242 marines in Beirut.


Where Is Pelosi?

She was elected to prevent this. Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Harry Reid, all loyal Zionists seem to have lost their way.







Who Are These Generals?

A couple of clowns that Bush sent it to 'Get Tough'. You have 70,000 mercenaries, the Interior Ministry death squads, and Al-Sadr's Medhi army, and all are controlled by Israel.

A logical scenario is a bloodbath, so when Iran comes about, Americans will buy into a nuclear solution.







Natalee Holloway
Electronic Trigger

 Judicial Index