Disney Sells Same Sex Marriage Ceremonies






Weddings At Disney Are A Big Thing





You Can Be Married At The Castle






Disney's CEO Michael Eisner






Disney's Wedding Pavilion





Who Will Be The Lucky Guy To Catch That Garter







Around The Disney Pool





Welcome To The Magic Kingdom






Dressing Like Minnie Mouse








Disney Lifts Ban

The Disney parks are now opening their wedding services for gays aka same-sex couples.
The Walt Disney Co. had limited its "Fairy Tale Wedding" program to couples with valid marriage licenses, but now making gay couples get to savor that special Mickey Moment.








Izzie Eisner

"We believe this change is consistent with Disney's long-standing policy of welcoming every guest in an inclusive environment."  "We want everyone who comes to celebrate a special occasion at Disney to feel welcome and respected."









Even Marrying On The Disney Ship Is Ok

The company said it made the change after being contacted by a gay couple who wanted to use the wedding service on the Disney's cruise ships.

Eisner's package includes flowers, dining, music and many optional Disney touches, from ceremonies in front of the parks' iconic attractions to having Mickey and a male Mouse in formal wear as guests. The packages start at $8,000 and can cost more than $45,000.









Disney Gives Gays The Run Of The Parks

The Jewish staff have a tolerant attitude to the weekend, allowing party promoters to rent out parks after hours.







Baptists Won't Oppose Weddings

In 2005, Southern Baptists ended an eight-year boycott of the Walt Disney Co. for violating "moral righteousness and traditional family values."










A Disney Cake

All that champagne, the Florida sunshine, walking around Disney in a thong, at night,  in the steamy summer.

Oh how fantastic.










Zionists Destroy Everything They Touch

Disneyland was a kid's theme park, a family vacation getaway for little kids. But Eisner let's it turn into a gay 'Meet and Kiss' destination on special weekends. Who wants to sleep in that honeymoon suite, thinking about some AIDS infected Viagra gays banging each other for hours, in an Ecstasy induced sexual romp.

How about the maid that cleans that room?






Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index