Thirteen Year-Old Arab Girl Butchered At Israeli School







The Israeli Settlement Of Katzrin

A remote town of 17,000 in the Golan Heights









The Case Is Going In Circles To Wear People Down

Roman Zadarov was the initial suspect










Tair Rada

A 13 yr-old Arab child was found butchered in a bathroom at Nofei High School, Katzrin, Golan Heights.







Police Had Five Suspects

The suspects were Roman Zadarov, 29, a soviet immigrant, Rafael Cohen, a local pedophile, and a group of Jewish students.







Tair Rada's Mother

Ilana Rada, said Monday that she had lost all faith in the police and that she did not believe that Roman Zadarov, was the killer. Rada said she believed that other children had killed Ta'ir.

Rada added that she believed children belonging to a satanist cult, of Blood Libel,  killed her daughter.







Mother Hires A Private Detective

"Children are afraid to testify so that they won't be suspected in the murder," he added. He said the media has already misquoted the testimony given by a friend of Rada.







Israeli Teens Suspected

These settler's kids are extremely volatile due to isolation and too much inbreeding.








Israeli Judge Issues Gag Order

Judge Rahamim Tsemach immediately issues a gag order.








Why All The Publicity?

Israelis butcher these Arabs every day. This has gotten a hundred articles. The logical choice is she was killed by other kids in a blood ritual ceremony, and the body brought back to the school that night. Either that, or a hundred girls didn't notice the child laying on the floor of the bathroom.






Natalee Holloway
Electronic Trigger

 Judicial Index