Holocaust Author Buried Four Bars Of Soap








Nazis Made Soap From Dead Jews

A literary great named Izzie Hirsh says a WW2 Jewish soldier gave him bars of dead Jew soap, and Izzie had a Rabbi bury them in Atlanta cemetery. Now Mr Hirsh writes a ground breaking novel, but the Holocaust museum in Washington won't let him have a book signing in the lobby.






Freedom Of Speech

The U.S. Holocaust Museum has barred a book signing by the nephew of an Auschwitz inmate who suggests Nazis made soap out of the bodies of Jews who died in concentration camps.






Museum Refuses Holocaust Hero

Hirsch, an Atlanta architect, had planned a signing of his book "Hearing a Different Drummer" at the Washington museum in November, but museum officials decided to ban him.







Museum Won't Condone Book

"(Hirsch) was advocating that we explore what is essentially a dead end," Peter Black, the museum's chief historian, told the newspaper.

Actual dead Jew soap on left. Next to the soap is a glass jar full of Zyklon-B pellets!






Hirsh And Rabbi Bury Soap

Hirsch, whose parents and two siblings died in the camps, also was among a group of people who buried four bars of soap at an Atlanta cemetery's Holocaust memorial in 1970, believing the soap was made from human fat.

 The four bars of soap, stamped "RIF," were found by a Jewish soldier who was part of a U.S. force that liberated a concentration camp at the end of World War II.






Famous Historian Believes Fellow Jew

"This one soap story keeps rolling around," said Deborah Lipstadt, an Emory University history professor.

"I wouldn't say (the Nazis) never did it," she said. "I would leave the door slightly cracked."








So Who Is Izzie Hirsh?

Mr Hirsh is a fifty year resident of Atlanta Georgia. He claims he was born in Germany, and was smuggled out. Naturally he lost all his relatives to Das Gassum chambers at Auschwitz.

Is there the possibility that Izrael was never in Auschwitz, and everything is a fabrication?




The Bears Of Buchenwald

 Judicial Index