Israel Threatens The "Samson Option"







If They Are Threatened They Will Nuke America And Europe









Israel Did This In 1973

It was the Yon Kippur war and Israel was losing badly. They realized that if the Arabs won, they would be kicked backed to their homelands in Poland the the Ukraine. Their dreams of controlling the world's oil were over, and I am sure the Russians would have put them in gulags after they had raped Russia.

The call went out to Nixon, that he better send fighters, pilots, and billions in aid, or they were getting their missiles ready. Nixon caved and launched 'Operation Nickel', where Phantom F-4's, and their American pilots, were airlifted to Israel.











The London Times Says "Sampson Option"

It is entirely possible that Israel has decided to exercise what the Israeli government once designated as “The Samson Option.” They are going to launch a nuclear first strike against Iran, and possibly destroy human civilization as we know it in the process.






Israeli F-15s Prepare

The Times article states that “Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons. Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear bunker-busters.







Israel Needs Nukes To Penetrate

According to the Times, the Jews are going to use nukes because “Israeli military commanders believe conventional strikes may no longer be enough to annihilate increasingly well-defended enrichment facilities.






Bush Will Support Israel

Israeli jets need to fly over Iraq, and they need tankers to refuel them. Bush, and the US Congress, wouldn't hesitate.






 Muslims Would Finally Explode

The US/Israeli puppets of Jordan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt would almost certainly be overthrown by massive Islamic mobs in a spontaneous act of region-wide revolution, drowning those regimes in blood. If one strong leader unites them, the US crashes economically.







Gas Goes To $ Five Dollars

Iran's oil could be contaminated, Iraq the starts blowing up pipelines, the Saudis embargo.






The Musharraf Regime Falls

In Pakistan, the Musharraf regime would fall. Pakistan already has nukes– so Osama Bin Laden, Iran, could end up with the weapons.







A Nuclear Exchange

All faith in America is lost, Muslims see the US as Israeli puppets. Somewhere there is a nuclear exchange, because Iran knows it will wind up a 'Dead Zone' like Iraq.

Source article






Natalee Holloway
Oklahoma City Bombing

 Judicial Index