Rabbi Prays Over Mass Grave In Ukraine






Rabbi Says There Are 5,000 Jews Buried Here







This Is 5,000 Bodies?








By Feb Of 1943 The Germans Were In A Massive Retreat






Stalin's Communists Never Mentioned These Graves







The Timeline

Germany attacks Russia in June of 1941, by August 1942 they were at the Battle Of Stalingrad, and by Feb of 1943 the Germans were on the retreat, half way to Berlin. So, during the biggest battle of the war the Germans decide to build concentration camps for a bunch of ghetto Jews? They take Waffen SS and comb the countryside for Jewish peasants?

The German Army didn't have time for this nonsense.








Imaginary Concentration Camps

KIEV, Ukraine - A mass grave holding the remains of thousands of Jews killed by the Nazis has been found in southern Ukraine near the site of what was once a concentration camp, a Jewish community representative said Tuesday.






Massive Grave Found

The grave (16 bones) was found by chance last month when workers were preparing to lay gas pipelines in the village of Gvozdavka-1, near Odessa, said Roman Shvartsman, a spokesman for the regional Jewish community.






Roman Shvartsman "Nazi hunter"

The Nazis established two ghettos during World War II near the village and brought Jews there from what is now Moldova as well as Ukrainian regions, Shvartsman said. In November 1941, they set up a concentration camp and killed about 5,000 Jews, he said.





Jews Say 1.5 Million Dead

Anatoly Podolsky, director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, said there are 250-350 mass grave sites from the Nazi occupation, during which some 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews were killed. 






The Only Witness

Anastasiya Kopytsa, 88, was a witness of the Nazi massacre of Jews in the village of Gvozdavka-1, Ukraine.







Who Makes this Up?

Since when does a partial skeleton turn into 5000. If there was an ounce of truth to any of this there would be Hillel archeological teams from every large university all over Russia. All you need is fifty kids, and a ground radar unit at each grave. Do a map of the area, dig up some bodies, and do a DNA of hundred different bones. Get a video team from public television to do a documentary.

There is a simple reason why there have never been any archeological teams at Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, etc, and the reason is there are no mass graves.





Massacre at Riga

WW 2 Leader's bloodlines


Paris in 1943