The Meaning Of "Chump Change"


Ms Allred really cares, I bet she had the boys over for dinner






"You Are A Dumb Nigger"

"When I wake up tomorrow I will still be rich, when you wake up you will still be a nigger"








He Says The Blacks Were Heckling Him







A Jewish TV Judge Will Mediate Over These Troubled Waters








An Absolutely Amazing Scene

Richards explodes at some well mannered blacks, and viciously attacks them for three minutes, in a Class-A hate crime. He not only represents Hollywood, but international Jewry as well. The blacks could have rung that chicken neck of his, but instead they let him slide. All the giants of the hate crime scene, Abe Foxman, Morris Dees, the ADL, etc. haven't said a word.

They send in Gloria Allred to act as the oil on the water, although in real life, she wouldn't let these kids park her car. So in the end, Abbie Richards will say 'I am really sorry', and try to avoid shaking their black hands. The mediating Zionist Judge Wapmer demand he seek consoling by Jesse Jackson, and he donates $50,000 to a black cause.

Of course Richards will know the scenario ahead of time, balk at paying the money, but be told "Shut your G*d Damn mouth, and lets get rid of this." You can bet Abbie will be smoldering.

Recent video apology









Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index