Nazis Demonstrate In Front Of Reporter's House






Nazis Target Gordon Boyd

Objects To Call To Ban Knoxville, Tennessee Demonstration

Members of the American National Socialist Workers Party, led by Deputy Kentucky Leader Michael Burks, demonstrated and distributed literature outside the Lexington, Ky home of Gordon Boyd, a Knoxville, Tennessee TV anchor.



Newspaper Editor

"Through this action and through our previous actions against Roanoke Times newspaper editor Christopher Trejbal, we are sending a message to members of the media who attack the white cause and disparage white activists," ANSWP Commander Bill White stated today, "Our message: Don't side with the other side, because if you do we'll find you."


Protesting A Rape Of White Girl

White activists affiliated with the website Vanguard News Network have called for a demonstration in Knoxville to protest racial black on white crime, after the brutal kidnap, rape and murder of a young white girl, Christian Channon, by black criminals. Boyd recently sent an email to organizers of the rally saying their support of Channon was "verbal dysentery" and saying that the City of Knoxville should refuse to issue a permit.


Bill White Leader

The American National Socialist Workers Party was founded in 2006 after much of the leadership of the previous National Socialist Movement departed to form their own organization. Bill White Commands the group, which has formal organizations in sixteen states and activists across the country.










Natalee Holloway

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