One of the premier holocaust study groups seems upset over some of David Irving's comments







David Irving Says

For the last 15 years, I have made no bones at all about the fact that the Nazis killed millions of Jews in different methods around the world, around their empire, particularly on the Eastern Front."


The Truth Asks

Why did Irving say "Nazis killed millions of Jews in different methods..." as if his research verified unprovoked mass-murders of innocents, when the vast majority of Jews actually died along the Eastern Front fighting the German army as terrorists or members of the Soviet Army? Is he pandering to the Holocaust promoters by admitting unprovoked mass-murders but not at Auschwitz or other camps, or did he just select the wrong words to describe his feelings?

Irving should be asked to explain what he meant by "...Nazis killed million of Jews in different methods...".



Hannover Asks

As to why Irving would say such nonsense, we must ask why anyone would say such nonsense. The dumbest damn voodoo ever known.




Barrington James Asks

What did Irving mean when he said " millions of Jews had been the Rhinehart camps?" What camps? Millions? Eastern Front? As soldiers? Internees? He said it didn't happen in Auschwitz- OK -We agree but then where? what? He can't be talking about Babi Yar can he?

What did he mean when he said Raol Hilberg was a great historian? Is a great historian one who is correct 60% of the time? 75%?







Lots Of Questions To Be Asked

Because Irving proposes to be one of the finest WW2 historians, and the holocaust is considered the pivotal event, people hang on his every word.








Natalee Holloway

 Judicial Index