Olmert Wants Bush To Commit To Iran Attack







Olmert Meets Bush

On Nov 13, 2006, President Bush spent the day listening to Israeli's PM Olmert about America's duty to protect Israel.

Olmert received reassurances from the Bush administration in Washington that it is not backing down from its view that Iran and its nuclear program are a world threat. Bush was shaken by the mid term elections, but Olmert assured him the Democrats would do what Israel wants.




Olmert Lectures Rice

Israel wants peace, he said, but "no longer can the international community afford to hesitate, contemplate or waver in its dealings with this defiant state."

Rice was told in no uncertain terms that she must confront Iran.


Olmert Flew To Los Angeles

Appearing before the largest annual gathering of Jewish community leaders in North America, he reassured them that Bush will do what he is told.

"Israel will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons."



Arnold In Awe

Arnold, a 'so called' Bavarian Nazi, made in big in Jewish Hollywood. Olmert wonders if Arnold has a little yiddish blood himself.



Fellow Soul Mates

I guess Kirk Douglas isn't protesting about the 200 dead Palestinians shot last month.

No doubt he will volunteer his grandchildren to serve in Iraq and Iran.






Natalee Holloway
John O'Neill

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